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Plot deployment (ordered by latitude) vs time (UTC) for each tag


plotAllTagsSite(data, coordinate = "recvDeployLat", tagsPerPanel = 5)



a selected table from .motus data, eg. "alltags", or a data.frame of detection data including at a minimum variables for recvDeployName, fullID, mfgID, date/time, latitude or longitude


column of receiver latitude/longitude values to use, defaults to recvDeployLat


number of tags in each panel of the plot, default is 5


# You can use either a selected tbl from .motus eg. "alltags", or a
# data.frame, instructions to convert a .motus file to all formats are below.

# download and access data from project 176 in sql format
# usename and password are both "motus.sample"
if (FALSE) sql.motus <- tagme(176, new = TRUE, update = TRUE)

# OR use example sql file included in `motus`
sql.motus <- tagme(176, update = FALSE, 
                   dir = system.file("extdata", package = "motus"))

# convert sql file "sql.motus" to a tbl called "tbl.alltags"
tbl.alltags <- tbl(sql.motus, "alltags") 

# convert the tbl "tbl.alltags" to a data.frame called "df.alltags"
df.alltags <- tbl.alltags %>% 
  collect() %>% 

# Plot detections of dataframe df.alltags by site ordered by latitude, with
# default 5 tags per panel

# Plot detections of dataframe df.alltags by site ordered by latitude, with
# 10 tags per panel
plotAllTagsSite(df.alltags, tagsPerPanel = 10)

# Plot detections of tbl file tbl.alltags by site ordered by receiver
# deployment latitude
plotAllTagsSite(tbl.alltags, coordinate = "recvDeployLon")

# Plot tbl file tbl.alltags using 3 tags per panel for species Red Knot
plotAllTagsSite(filter(tbl.alltags, speciesEN == "Red Knot"), tagsPerPanel = 3)