Creates and adds columns for time to, and time from sunrise/sunset based on a column of POSIXct dates/times dataframe must contain latitude, longitude, and a date/time variable
lat = "recvDeployLat",
lon = "recvDeployLon",
ts = "ts",
units = "hours"
- data
a selected table from .motus data, eg. "alltagsGPS", or a data.frame of detection data including at a minimum variables for date/time, latitude, and longitude
- lat
variable with latitude values, defaults to
- lon
variable with longitude values, defaults to
- ts
variable with time in UTC as numeric or POSIXct, defaults to ts
- units
units to display time difference, defaults to "hours", options include "secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks"
Valeur de retour
the original dataframe provided, with the following additional columns:
sunrise: sunrise time for the date and location provided by ts and
per rowsunset: sunset time for the date and location provided by ts and
per rowts_to_set: time to next sunset after "ts", units default to "hours"
ts_since_set: time to previous sunset since "ts", units default to "hours"
ts_to_rise: time to next sunrise after "ts", units default to "hours"
ts_since_rise: time to previous sunrise since "ts", units default to "hours"
# You can use either a selected tbl from .motus eg. "alltagsGPS", or a
# data.frame, instructions to convert a .motus file to all formats are below.
# download and access data from project 176 in sql format
# usename and password are both "motus.sample"
if (FALSE) sql.motus <- tagme(176, new = TRUE, update = TRUE)
# OR use example sql file included in `motus`
sql.motus <- tagme(176, update = FALSE,
dir = system.file("extdata", package = "motus"))
# convert sql file "sql.motus" to a tbl called "tbl.alltags"
tbl.alltags <- tbl(sql.motus, "alltagsGPS")
# convert the tbl "tbl.alltags" to a data.frame called "df.alltags"
# let's also filter down to one day
df.alltags <- tbl.alltags %>%
collect() %>%
mutate(time = lubridate::as_datetime(tsCorrected),
date = lubridate::as_date(time)) %>%
filter(date == "2015-10-31") %>%
# Get sunrise and sunset information with units in minutse
sunrise <- timeToSunriset(df.alltags, units = "mins")
# Get sunrise and sunset information with units in hours using gps lat/lon
# using data.frame df.alltags. NOTE: This only works if there are non-NA
# gpsLat/gpsLon
if (FALSE) sunrise <- timeToSunriset(df.alltags, lat = "gpsLat", lon = "gpsLon")