Authors and Citation
Birds Canada. Author, maintainer.
John Brzustowski. Author.
Denis Lepage. Author.
Steffi LaZerte. Contributor.
Joey Bernard. Contributor.
Lucas Berrigan. Contributor.
Tara Crewe. Contributor.
Zoe Crysler. Contributor.
Jeremy Hussell. Contributor.
Catherine Jardine. Contributor.
Amie MacDonald. Contributor.
Stuart Mackenzie. Contributor.
Paul Morrill. Contributor.
Josh Sayers. Contributor.
Philip Taylor. Contributor.
Source: inst/CITATION
Birds Canada (2024). motus: Fetch and use data from the Motus Wildlife Tracking System. https://motusWTS.github.io/motus/.
@Manual{, title = {{motus}: Fetch and use data from the Motus Wildlife Tracking System}, author = {{Birds Canada}}, year = {2024}, url = {https://motusWTS.github.io/motus/}, }