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Creates a summary for each tag of it's first and last detection time at each site, length of time between first and last detection of each site, and total number of detections at each site.


tagSumSite(data, units = "hours")



a selected table from .motus data, eg. "alltagsGPS", or a data.frame of detection data including at a minimum variables for motusTagID, fullID, recvDeployName, ts, recvDeployLat, recvDeployLon, gpsLat, gpsLon


units to display time difference, defaults to "hours", options include "secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks"


# Download sample project 176 to .motus database (username/password are "motus.sample")
if (FALSE) sql_motus <- tagme(176, new = TRUE)

# Or use example data base in memory
sql_motus <- tagmeSample()

# convert sql file "sql_motus" to a tbl called "tbl_alltags"
tbl_alltags <- tbl(sql_motus, "alltagsGPS") 

# convert the tbl "tbl_alltags" to a data.frame called "df_alltags"
df_alltags <- tbl_alltags  %>% 
  collect() %>% 

# Create tag summaries for all tags within detection data with time in
# minutes with tbl file tbl_alltags
tag_site_summary <- tagSumSite(tbl_alltags, units = "mins")

# Create tag summaries for only select tags with time in default hours with
# data.frame df_alltags
tag_site_summary <- tagSumSite(filter(df_alltags, 
                                      motusTagID %in% c(16047, 16037, 16039)))

# Create tag summaries for only a select species with data.frame df_alltags
tag_site_summary <- tagSumSite(filter(df_alltags, speciesEN == "Red Knot"))